
Being a professional in how you make decisions and lead your teams entails that you feel confident, knowledgeable and purpose-driven. Most of us, however, experience doubts from time to time whether or not they are able to deliver these valued outcomes. It’s then also no surprise that most professionals have found themselves wanting to achieve the following goals:

  • You always wanted to go beyond what you see and don’t know (knowledgeable)

  • You always wanted to feel that what you do matters (purpose)

  • You always wanted to feel that people want to work with you (confidence)


If you are interested in helping you to understand why these goals matter and how to attain them, I offer consultancy, workshops and keynote speeches focusing on mastering the skills of agility, providing meaning to your actions and building trust to create value together in a confident and collaborative way


Contemporary business has the responsibility to create trustworthy and value-driven cultures. My expertise concerns integrating insights of why good people do bad things into training sessions promoting a moral awareness culture.

Trust and Trust Repair

Trust is the social glue that makes a company tick and facilitates the implementation and execution of any business strategy. I have developed training sessions to increase your understanding of trust as a business asset.

Leadership Effectiveness

Development & Executive Coaching
We have too many managers and not enough leaders. To respond to this observation, I have developed the three laws of leadership to create vision-driven and inspirational work places.


Many daily decisions in business involve some kind of negotiation. I have developed training sessions to understand the psychology and sometimes irrational nature behind our negotiation decisions.

Future of work and leading with AI

I have also developed several surveys and assessment instruments that can be helpful in assessing the effectiveness of evidence-based consultancy interventions. These include:

  • Ethics into Action Survey
  • Span of Ethics Scan
  • Leadership On-Hold Survey
  • Moving Forward to Agreements Survey

Clients and Collaborators include

Customer Testimonials

Click here to see testimonials of Prof. De Cremer’s work.